Kamis, 28 April 2016



1. What is business,letter? And what is the Components Of Business Letter?
2. Explain The differences of full block style and semi block style ?
3. Give examples of full block style and semi block style!

1. Part of Business Letter and Style of Business Letter

         Business letter is a formal communication between the paper, or business and are usually sent through the Post Office or sometimes by courier. Business letter is sometimes called "mail" (as opposed to emails faster). The letter has sections namely:
1. Letter Head (Letterhead)
The identity that contains the logo, name, address and phone number of the sender of the letter.

2. Reference Line

           In the English-language letter letters usually contain forward names of executives who signed the letter, followed by a slash or colon, and then typing the name of the letter. Some companies add code or specific number based on their file system. Reference is placed on top of the above letter date.
Example: Your ref: 22 March 2004
Our Ref: BS / KF

3. Date Line (Date)

          It is part of the creation date of the letter. While the format of the date is month / day / year, for example August 30, 2012.

- Examples of writing date using British Style
   03rd April 1990
   British Style Format writing is similar to writing in Indonesian only on ordinal number    suffix added. The position of the British Style date placed on the right over the letter.
- Examples of writing date using American Style
   April 3, 1990
   Writing date using American Style is placed in the upper left the letter with the format    Month Date, Year.

4. Inside Address

              This section contains the name of receipt, jabatanya, and the company name      with the address. If you are not sure to whom (name) the letter is addressed, do not  blank, but try to use their title, such as "Director of Human Resources". Leave a gap  between the date of the recipient.

5. Attention Line

           An Alternative to place recipients.

6. Solutition (Salutation)

            In this section, the term used is "Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. (Last name receipt) ", eg"    Dear Mr. Fathoni ". But if the name of the recipient is not dikethui, write  departementnya name, eg "Dear Director of the Department of Human Resource".  Leave a gap between the salutation to the content.
 For Business Partners who are already familiar with each other generally write with  "Dear Sue"
The use of punctuation in Salutation using British Style written without punctuation (semicolon or a comma) and the American Style use the colon.
Dear Mr Krisman => examples in British Style
Dear Mr. Krisman: => examples in American Style

7.Subject Line (Re)

             Subject to make the recipients more easily find the intent of the letter, for  example Invitation, Apology, and so forth. This is an optional part of a business letter, it  means we can stick or tidak.Penulisan subject using British Style: Subject placed  between Salutation and the contents of the letter.
 Writing subject using American Style: Subject is placed over the Salutation.

8. Body Of Letter (Contents Letter)

             The letter is where you write down what you want delivered. Paragraph in the  letter must use single spacing (single space) and the absence of separation between each  paragraph. Leave a gap between the end of the contents by the cover.

9. Complimentary Close (Salam cover)

              Part of this as a sign that your letter has been completed, usually ending with  the writing "Sincerely", "Sincerely yours", "Thank you", and so forth. Take note, There  is a comma at the end of the cover and only the first letter using capital letters. Leave a  gap of 3-4 lines between the cover with the name, which will diguankan for a signature.

10. Signature (Signature)

           Part of this is my signature, normally use black or blue ink.

11. Enclosure (Enclosure)

            If a letter containing the document or attachment other than the letter, the writer  of emotion menampilakan number of attachments, that is by using the "Enclosure  (Jumah attachment)", eg "Enclosure (6)".

12. Carbon Copy Natation (A copy of the letter).

              This section is used to inform the recipient of the letter, that the letter was also  sent to the parties who need to know the contents of the letter. CC placed on the left  bottom of the letter.

2. Business Letter (Modified Block Format)

3519 Front Street
Mount Celebres, CA 65286
October 6, 2015
Ms. agung
Accounts Payable
The Cooking Store
765 Berliner Plaza
Industrial Point, CA 68534

Dear Mr. Ryan Setiawan:

          It has come to my attention that your company, The Cooking Store has been late with paying their invoices for the past three months.
In order to encourage our customers to pay for their invoices before the due date, we have implemented a discount model where we’ll give you 2% off your invoice if you pay us within 10 days of receiving the invoice.
I hope that everything is going well for you and your company. You are one of our biggest customers, and we appreciate your business. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (555) 555-5555.


Accounts Receivable

3.  Business Letter (Semi-block Format)
3519 Front Street
Mount Celebres, CA 65286

October 6, 2015

Ms. Betty Johnson
Accounts Payable
The Cooking Store
765 Berliner Plaza
Industrial Point, CA 68534

Dear Mr. Ryan Setiawan

            It has come to my attention that your company, The Cooking Store has been late with paying their invoices for the past three months.
In order to encourage our customers to pay for their invoices before the due date, we have implemented a discount model where we’ll give you 2% off your invoice if you pay us within 10 days of receiving the invoice.
I hope that everything is going well for you and your company. You are one of our biggest customers, and we appreciate your business. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (555) 555-5555.
3. Full Block Format

           Full block style business letters have a formal appearance, however they can be used in informal business situations as well as formal ones. If you are looking for a single format that will work well in every situation, this is a good one to use.
Notice that the following business letter format is laid out so that it is easy to read. It is also a template that is very easy to type, as there are no indents to worry about.
Full Block Format Business Letter Template.

Your Name
Today’s Date
Recipient’s Name
Dear (Recipient’s Name),

           This block format business letter template illustrates how quick and easy communications can be to type. Notice that it looks very much like the semi-block letter format, except the paragraphs are not indented. This is a format you can use for all business occasions.

        Notice that all elements in this letter are left justified. This formatting provides a crisp, modern look that many people prefer.
If you have any enclosures to include in this letter, make a note at the bottom left, a few spaces below the signature block. Just write “enclosures:” and follow up with the names of any items inside the envelope. A brochure, an application, or a copy of an invoice are some of the things you might think about including.

Your First name, Last name, and Title
Modified Block Format
Modified block style business letters are less formal than full block style letters. If you are corresponding with someone you already have a good working relationship with, the modified block style letter is a good one to use.
Notice that the following business letter format is written without indents. If you prefer to use indents, try using the semi-block or modified semi-block format instead.
Modified Block Format Business Letter Template

Your Name
Today’s Date
Recipient’s Name
Company Name
Dear (Recipient’s Name):

         This modified block business letter format looks very much like the modified semi-block letter format, except the paragraphs are not indented. Modified block letters are just a little less formal than full block letters.

         Notice that the sender’s address, the closing, the signature, and the signature block all start near the center of the page. In some cases, people who prefer to use this format begin these elements five spaces to the right of the center of the page.

         If you have any enclosures to include in this letter, make a note at the bottom left, a few spaces below the signature block. Just write “enclosures:” and follow up with the names of any items inside the envelope. A brochure, an application, or a copy of an invoice are some of the things you might think about including.

Your First name, Last name, and Title

Standard Format
Standard format business letters are quite formal. Because they include an optional subject line, they are ideal for situations in which you need to create a formal response or communicate about an account number or case number.
At the bottom of this template, you’ll see something the other business letter templates don’t contain. Below the signature block are three lines of text indicating that a secretary or assistant typed the letter for the sender, that a copy was sent to another recipient, and that there are enclosures. In other business letter formats, “enclosures” is written out. In standard format, the word is abbreviated.
Standard Format Business Letter Template

Your Name
Today’s Date
Recipient’s Name
Company Name
SUBJECT: Type the subject here and underline it.
Dear (Recipient’s Name),

          This standard business letter format looks very much like the block letter format. Notice that everything is left justified.
You will notice that this template contains some elements that are different from those in the other business letter formats on this page. First, there is a subject line. This element is optional, and can be replaced with a “RE:” line that is used to reference something specific like a previous communication or an account number. Be sure to underline this so that it stands out.

          Additionally, this template has three other elements. On the line located beneath the signature block, you will notice my initials in upper case letters. A colon separates them from my assistant’s initials, which are written in lower case letters. This indicates that my assistant typed the letter for me. If you type a standard business letter yourself, you do not need to include this element.

           Beneath the initials, you will see “cc:” followed by my business partner’s name. This indicates that I have sent a copy of this letter to my partner. If you write a letter like this one but don’t cc anyone, there’s no need to include this element.
Finally, you will notice the letters “encl” followed by a colon. This indicates that there are enclosures. Interestingly, the standard business letter is the only one in which you use “encl” instead of writing “enclosure” to show that a brochure, application, invoice, or other item(s) are enclosed. As you may have already guessed, you can skip the “encl” if you haven’t included anything with the letter in the envelope.
Your First name, Last name, and Title

Jumat, 15 April 2016


            Kali ini saya akan membagikan 16 Rumus Tenses Agar mudah untuk di ingat dan dimengerti, sebelum melangkah lebih jauh dan lebih rumit lagi dalam bahasa inggris, tentu saja kita harus menghafal dasar yang paling mendasar dari kata maupun kalimat dalam bahasa inggris. Oleh karena itu saya akan memposting dengan bentuk table agar lebih mudah untuk dihafalkan.

           Setelah anda mempelajari berbagai tenses yang ada, belum lengkap rasanya jika anda belum menguji sejauh mana pemahaman yang anda dapatkan. tenses ini sangat penting sekali dalam bahasa inggris, jadi sudah tepat jika anda mencoba untuk selalu menguji kemampuan dan pemahaman yang telah anda dapatkan sebelumnya. Berkaitan dengan kebutuhan anda tersebut, postingan ini dibuat untuk memenuhi dan mencoba menyediakan contoh-contoh soal tenses bahasa inggris yang nantinya dapat anda gunakan untuk melatih dan menguji kemampuan dan pemahaman kalian semuanya. Contoh soal tenses ini sudah teruji kualitasnya sehingga bisa dibilang sudah dapat mewakili semua tenses bahasa inggris yang ada, diantaranya present tense, past tense, future tense, dan past future tense.

Petunjuk Mengerjakan

           Contoh soal tenses yang akan saya berikan ini berjumlah 13 butir soal, bentuk soal semuanya pilihan ganda. Selain itu, contoh soal juga dilengkapi dengan jawaban yang benar serta pembahasannya, sehingga hal tersebut akan mengoreksi dan menjelaskan jawaban yang anda berikan sebelumnya. Dalam mengerjakan soal, anda diharuskan untuk mengubah soal menjadi tense tertentu. Misalkan, soal bertense simple present, mungkin anda akan diminta untuk mengubahnya menjadi simple past, future continuous, atau ke dalam tense lainnya.

          Terdapat dua media soal yang tersedia, media interaktif dan manual. Saya rekomendasikan menggunakan media interaktif agar lebih nyaman dan mudah, namun jika internet anda lelet sehingga loading media interaktif lama, maka kerjakan soal secara manual pada bagian bawah artikel ini.

Soal Tenses Bahasa Inggris – Manual

1. The teachers will teach them Grammar. (ubah ke present continuous tense)
  • a. The teachers are teaching them Grammar.
  • b. The teachers is teaching them Grammar.
2. All of my friends bring oxford dictionaries. (ubah ke past perfect tense)
  • a. All of my friends had brought oxford dictionaries.
  • b. All of my friends have brought oxford dictionaries.
3. The old women had brought many apples. (ubah ke present perfect tense)
  • a. The old women has brought many apples.
  • b. The old women have brought many apples.
4. The thief has stolen much money in the bank. (ubah ke future perfect continuous tense)
  • a. The thief will have been stealing much money in the bank.
  • b. The thief will have been stolen much money in the bank.
5. The police caught those robbers. (ubah ke present continuous tense)
  • a. The police are catching those robbers.
  • b. The police is catching those robbers.
 6. The mice took Agus’s cheese in the kitchen. (ubah ke pas future continuous)
  • a. The mice would been taking Agus’s cheese in the kitchen.
  • b. The mice would be taking Agus’ cheese in the kitchen.
7. Agus and I do a great job. (ubah ke past continuous tense)
  • a. Agus and I was doing a great job.
  • b. Agus and I were doing a great job.
8. After graduating, Dea will found an English course. (ubah ke past future perfect tense)
  • a. After graduating, Dea will have founded an English course.
  • b. After graduating, Dea would have founded an English course.
9. The scientist has mixed the formula. (ubah ke simple present tense)
  • a. The scientist mixes the formula.
  • b. The scientist mix the formula.
10. They have been in the class. (ubah ke simple past tense)
  • a. They were been in the class.
  • b. They were in the class.
11. The geese swam in the river. (ubah ke present perfect continuous tense)
  • a. The geese have been swimming in the river.
  • b. The geese has been swimming in the river.
12. Mathematics will be the most difficult subject. (ubah ke simple present tense)
  • a. Mathematics are the most difficult subject.
  • b. Mathematics is the most difficult subject.
13. Budi’s teeth were better. (ubah ke future perfect tense)
  • a. Budi’s teeth will have been better.
  • b. Budi’s teeth will have be better.
Jawaban + Penjelasan

1(A) Rumus yang digunakan present continuous tense adalah S + Is/am/are Verb.ing.              penggunaan is/am/are tergantung dengan subjeknya, dan subjek The teachers adalah subjek yang menggunakan “are”.
2(A)Past perfect tense menggunakan rumus S + Had + Verb3, jadi apapun subjeknya akan menggunakan had, dan verb3 dari bring adalah brought. Pilihan B adalah present perfect tense.
3(B)Rumus yang digunakan present perfect tense adalah S + Have/has + Verb3. Penggunaan have atau has tergantung dengan subjeknya, dan subjek the old women menggunakan have karena subjek jamak (tunggalnya the old woman)
4(A)Rumus yang digunakan adalah S + Will/shall + Have + Been + Verb.ing. Kata stolen merupakan verb3 dari kata steal, jadi verb.ing dari steal adalah stealing. Dan apapun subjeknya tetap menggunakan have been. Sedangkan will dapat digunakan untuk semua subjek, namun shall hanya bisa digunakan oleh subjek “I” dan “we” saja.
5(A)Rumus present continuous tense adalah S + Is/am/are + Verb.ing. Dan seperti yang saya jelaskan sebelumnya bahwa penggunaan is/am/are tergantung dengan subjeknya, dan subjek the police menggunakan are karena jamak (tunggalnya the police man dan the police woman). Berhati-hatilah dalam menentukan apakah subjek itu jamak atau tunggal, karena tidak semua jamak terdapat akhiran “s”.
6(B)Rumus yang digunakan adalah S + Would/should + Be + Verb.ing, jadi disini tidak menggunakan been.
7(B)Rumus yang digunakan adalah S + Was/were + Verb.ing. Penggunaan was atau were juga tergantung dengan subjek, dan jelas subjek agus and I adalah jamak sehingga menggunakan were.
8(B)Rumus yang digunakan adalah S + Would/should + Have + Verb3, jadi disini will tidak digunakan.
9(A)Rumus yang digunakan dalam simple present tense adalah S + Verb1 atau S + to be + Non verb. Penggunaan akhiran s/es pada verb digunakan untuk subjek tertentu, seperti he, she, it, boy, girl, Dina, Budi, dan lain-lain termasuk juga the scientist.
10(B)Rumus simple past tense adalah S + Verb2 atau S + Was/were + Non verb. Jadi disini been tidak digunakan.
11(A)Rumus yang digunakan adalah S + Have/has + Been + Verb.ing. Dan subjek the geese menggunakan have.
12(B)Subjek mathematics (tunggal, walau terdapat akhiran s karena pada umumnya nama pelajaran terdapat tambahan s) dan tentu saja menggunakan is.
13(A)Rumus yang digunakan dalam future perfet tense adalah S + Will + Have + Verb3. Been adalah verb3 dari be, jadi yang digunakan adalah been, bukan be.